Digital Health CRM Software: A Must-Have for Patient Experience

Derek Headshot
Derek Strauss (COO)
May 8, 2024
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With the rise of virtual-first care and how integrated technology has become in our day-to-day lives, the bar for what a digital patient experience needs to be has drastically increased.

However, healthcare and digital health businesses, whose technology infrastructure is predominantly rooted in legacy EHR systems are rapidly looking for new solutions to fill the gap.

Enter, CRM Software for Digital Health…. In this blog, we’ll highlight 5 reasons why CRM Software is a must-have for providing a high-quality digital patient experience.

Here are five reasons why CRM software is essential for providing a high-quality digital patient experience:

1. Personalized Patient Engagement:

With patient profile information and previous interactions being housed in one place, companies can personalize interactions with patients based on their preferences, medical history, and needs. This tailored approach typically leads to stronger patient engagement and satisfaction.

2. Streamlined Communication:

CRMs enable the facilitation of seamless patient communication, whether it's through phone calls, email, SMS, or secure messaging platforms. By having multiple communication channels, digital health companies can engage patients using their preferred channel to increase things such as engagement, adherence, and timely reminders.

3. Integrated Data Management:

CRM software that’s integrated with Electronic Health Records (EHRs) ensures that relevant parties across clinical operations, support, care delivery, etc. always have up-to-date and accurate information. Having reliable data helps lead to more informed decision-making and better continuity of care.

4. Efficient Appointment Scheduling:

CRM software often includes features for self-scheduling appointments, managing calendars, and sending appointment reminders. This helps provide patients with a better scheduling experience and helps reduce the possibility that they miss their appointments and are forced to pay a no-show fee.

5. Feedback and Follow-up:

CRM systems enable companies to gather feedback from patients about their experiences and satisfaction levels through online surveys or SMS messages. This feedback loop allows for continuous improvement in service delivery and helps in identifying areas where enhancements are needed to enhance the digital patient experience.

Learn More:

These reasons highlight the critical role that CRM software plays in modernizing patient engagement and improving the overall digital healthcare experience. Reach out today to learn how Tellescope’s HIPAA-compliant CRM software can help improve your Digital Health company’s patient experience.

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Originally published: May 8, 2024
Last updated: May 8, 2024